Orders will generally be shipped within one to two business days after receipt of full payment and depending on availability of goods. Orders will be shipped by the selected shipping method chosen at the time the order was placed, unless other arrangements have been made. A single order may not be shipped to multiple shipping addresses.
Return & Exchange Policy
Stated below are the return policies of encreme.com. Please read them carefully as they will be strictly enforced. Should you choose to place an order, it will be assumed you have read and understood the return policies stated here. All sales are non-refundable, only exchanges or merchandise credit will be allowed. Shipping and handling fees are final. All sale items are final. All web exclusive deals are final sale only and returns will not be accepted.
If you are not satisfied with our merchandise, you may return it for credit or exchange only. All damage and non-damage items that you wish to return must be made with a Return Authorization Form, which needs to be requested by emailing info@encreme.com. The RA form must be completed and sent by e-mail within 10 days upon receipt of merchandise in order for the return to be accepted. All items being returned must be in original condition and original packaging. There will be a 10% re-stocking fee for any items returned without original packaging. A UPS label will only be issued for items already damaged prior to receiving the merchandise, within 10 days of receipt. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may also issue a return within 10 days of receipt by the purchaser's own shipping expense. No other returns or exchanges can be made after 10 days of receipt.